Thank you for visiting our website. Groundswell: Oral History for Social Change has not been operational since 2019 and we are in the process of archiving our material with the Oral History Master of Arts program at Columbia University. If you have any questions, please email us at We check this email address intermittently, so please be patient.


We use oral history and narrative in creative, effective and ethical ways to support movement building and transformative social change. Our mission is to provide mutual support, training, and resources in the practice of grassroots oral history in order to build the creativity and power of social justice movements.

We believe that our stories and our histories are sources of power and strength in our struggles for justice. They can inspire and motivate in moments of defeat or uncertainty and build empathy across lines of difference. They show a way forward, highlighting tactics and strategies that result in lasting change. Sharing our stories can empower, awaken, and transform. 
