Groundswell Meet Up in Cleveland!

Are you interested in how the process and products of oral history can further social movements of today and tomorrow? Do you straddle the worlds of activism and academia in your oral history work? Maybe you find yourself wondering how to get your oral history narratives out of the archives and into the streets of struggles for justice?

Join us for an informal dinner meet-up at this year’s Oral History Association conference in Cleveland, OH:

Wednesday, October 10th
7:00 – 9:00 pm
4th St. Bar & Grill
402 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44114

Meet at 6:50 in the hotel lobby (Cleveland Marriott Key Center, 127 Public Square) to walk over together.

Please RSVP: sarah [at]

Groundswell: Oral History for Social Change is an emerging network of oral historians, activists, cultural workers, community organizers, and documentary artists. We use oral history and narrative in creative, effective and ethical ways to support movement building and transformative social change. Our mission is to build the creativity and power of social justice movements by providing mutual support, training and resources in the practice of grassroots oral history.

Oral Historians for Social Justice (OHSJ) is a group of oral historians interested in the connections between oral history and social justice that first came together at the 2009 Oral History Association conference in Louisville.