Liberating Subjugated Histories: Stories from the Chican@ Movement

The Freedom Archives contains over 12,000 hours of audio and video recordings as well as print materials dating primarily from the late-1960s to the mid-90s. Read more about their work in this article by Lincoln Bergman, Freedom Archives Co-founder and Volunteer.

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Parte 3: Oraciones Incompletas: Una colaboración para preservar la memoria histórica de las y los sobrevivientes del conflicto armado salvadoreño

Esta es la última parte de tres en esta serie de artículos sobre la historia detrás del archivo Oraciones Incompletas. En este parte las personas involucradas nos comparten algunos desafíos, lecciones aprendidas y reflexiones que surgieron a partir de este proceso, junto con las reflexiones finales sobre el archivo y sus relevancia con temas actuales.

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Part 3: Unfinished Sentences: A Collaboration to Preserve the Historical Memory of El Salvador’s Civil War

This is the last installment of the three-part series of articles about the story behind the Unfinished Sentences archive. In this installment, we will hear about some of the challenges, questions, and reflections that came out of this process, alongside final reflections on the significance of the archive.

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Parte 2: Oraciones Incompletas: Una colaboración para preservar la memoria histórica de las y los sobrevivientes del conflicto armado salvadoreño

Esta es la segunda de las tres partes de un artículo sobre la creación del archivo Oraciones Incompletas. En la parte anterior, aprendimos sobre el contexto histórico del conflicto armado en El Salvador, la comunidad de Arcatao, Chalatenango, el surgimiento del Comité de Memoria Histórica de Arcatao y su trabajo para preservar la memoria histórica de su comunidad y país como parte de una lucha más amplia por la verdad y la justicia.

En esta parte, vamos a aprender más sobre los diferentes grupos que se unieron para crear el archivo.

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Part 2: Unfinished Sentences: A Collaboration to Preserve the Historical Memory of El Salvador’s Civil War

This is the second of three installments about the Unfinished Sentences Archive. In the previous installment, we learned about the historical context of the armed conflict in El Salvador, the community of Arcatao, Chalatenango, the emergence of the Historical Memory Committee of Arcatao, and their work to preserve the historical memory of their community and country as part of a broader struggle for truth and justice.

In this installment, we will hear about the different groups that came together to create the archive.

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Oraciones Incompletas: Una colaboración para preservar la memoria histórica de las y los sobrevivientes del conflicto armado salvadoreño

Oraciones Incompletas: Una Colaboración para Preservar la Memoria Histórica de la Guerra Civil de El Salvador por Maggie Von Vogt es una serie de artículos multimedia y en tres partes sobre la Guerra Civil Salvadoreña, la comunidad de Arcatao y el surgimiento del Comité de Memoria Histórica, el grupo que desempeñó un papel central en la creación de un proyecto de historia oral y de archivo para documentar las reminiscencias de sobrevivientes e hijos de sobrevivientes del conflicto.

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Unfinished Sentences: A Collaboration to Preserve the Historical Memory of El Salvador’s Civil War

Unfinished Sentences: A Collaboration to Preserve the Historical Memory of El Salvador’s Civil War by Maggie Von Vogt is a three-part multimedia article series about the Salvadoran Civil War, the community of Arcatao, and the emergence of the Historical Memory Committee, the group that played a central role in creating an oral history and archival project to document the reminiscences of survivors and children of survivors of the conflict.

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"Oral History Can Bring us Into a Longer Arc of Resistance": Interview with Benjamin Dangl

In this interview, journalist and historian Benjamin Dangl talks about the research, background, and focus of his recently published book, The Five Hundred Year Rebellion: Indigenous Movements and the Decolonization of History in Bolivia (AK Press). The book tells the fascinating story of how indigenous Bolivians recovered and popularized histories of past rebellions, political models, and leaders, using them to build movements for rights, land, autonomy, and political power.

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REPORTBACK: Nov. 27th PSN - Fighting Words: Oral Histories of the New York Sanctuary Movement

In this Nov. 27th Practitioner Support Network session, Groundswell: Oral History for Social Change hosts Jon Earle and Janice Amaya of the New Sanctuary Coalition in a discussion with participants about oral history with immigrant communities facing deportation proceedings. The PSN also focuses on how use oral histories to create collaborative public facing projects that use theater, public policy research and more.

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REPORTBACK: Oct. 23rd PSN - Sanctuary! With Abbie Arevalo-Herrera and Lana Heath de Martinez

On October 23, 2018, Abbie Arevalo-Herrera joined Groundswell: Oral History for Social Change for a Practitioner Support Network session on the sanctuary movement and how she took sanctuary in a church in Richmond, Virginia.

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Groundswell Network Boost: Testimony Project in collaboration with New Sanctuary Coalition in New York City seeks to document immigrant stories

Groundswell: Oral History for Social Change has launched a blog series called “Groundswell Network Boost” to promote the work of projects throughout the country using oral history for social change. This interview with the Testimony Project in collaboration with the New Sanctuary Coalition in New York City discusses the project and its successes as well as the challenges that arise when documenting the voices of immigrants in the United States threatened with deportation.

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Emerging Archive Preserves the Stories of Abortion Care in Louisiana

Groundswell contributor and Labor Equity Member Elizabeth Gelvin penned this piece about the Louisiana Abortion Stories Project, an archive of the New Orleans Abortion Fund which collects and holds the stories of folks in New Orleans who have accessed abortion care in Louisiana.

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Reportback: June 14th PSN: How Can Oral History Support Restorative Justice?

On June 14th, 2018 Groundswell: Oral History for Social Change hosted a Practitioner Support Network session with oral historian Alisa del Tufo and theater professor at Concordia University, Luis C. Sotelo Castro on how oral history supports restorative justice work.

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PSN Reportback: What is Language Justice and Why Does it Matter in Oral History Work?

In this Practitioner Support Network, oral historians Allison Corbett and Fanny Garcia explore language justice and and why it matters in doing oral history work with communities that use various languages.

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